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About Vouchers Referral System

Vouchers can be used as full or part payment for any goods or services which we provide. Vouchers we issue may have a limitted number of uses and will expire after a given period of time.
Our referral system rewards members for directing new users to us. These rewards are given as vouchers. More information on how this system works and how to take part can be found on the referrals page.
Welcome to the vForums Shopping Cart You can use this shopping cart system to purchase optional extras for your forum such as removing the ads, upgrading your chat room or advertising across our network.

Domain Hosting
Forum URL

Domain Name

Contact Email

This is required if we ever need you to
make changes to the domain settings

Domain Hosting enables you to use your own domain name on your forum. So rather than you could use forum.your-name.tld or even your-name.tld

To use this service you must already own the domain name you wish to use and be able to make changes to the DNS records. This procedure is fairly straight forward. Details of the settings you need to use are shown below.

How to Configure Your Domain Name / Sub-Domain for Domain Hosting

You will need to create a new CNAME record for the domain name. This should be done by/via whoever hosts the DNS settings for this domain name, in many cases this will be the same company who hosts your website.
The settings you need to use are as follows:

Value:<Your Forums Username>
TTL:86400 (Or leave as the default)

Cart Contents
Total: £0.00


Google Checkout Accepted, Visa & Mastercard Logos
We now process all payments via Google Checkout to ensure that your shopping experience goes as smooth as possible.

If an error is reported or you require assistance please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Due to the nature of these services we cannot offer refunds on any products purchased, even if the account is terminated or due to other loss of service. However, we can transfer products to an alternative vForums account.

If you require any assistance or need more information, please contact our support forum